ZX Concept
Space, colour and audio are explored all at once in this multi-sensory, gesture-controlled installation

An installation aims to push the limits of gesture control, colour and sound, all in a single proof-of-concept that resembles a multi-sensory, 21st century theremin.
ZX Concept, by Craig Winslow in collaboration with Justin Kuzma and Nicholas Giordani, is a small angular model with brightly coloured surfaces that can be manipulated by hand, using a Leap Motion Controller. Moving your hand up and down controls brightness, in and out alters saturation, and left and right adjusts the hue. Accompanying sound is selected not from a full range of notes, but a carefully seleced spectrum, meaning newcomers can easily create nuanced noise with ease while more complex and vibrant audio is also possible.
Now that this concept is functional the team is deciding where to go next. Acknowledging that it has barely scratched the surface of the project, future versions could go even further in exploring function, interactivity, and engagement in a process similar to creating an altogether new instrument.
Other installations exploring the possibilities of gesture control include May The Force Be With You, which allowed participants to control the flow of water in a container according to their movements, and the Aether Project, where projected visuals could be manipulated with Leap Motion.
