Employ local socialites to orchestrate your night out in a new city
When travelling abroad one of the main concerns that people have is that they won’t make the most of their visit, especially in a nightlife sense. Peer to peer recommendations are becoming more and more people's modus operandi but it still takes time to make a solid itinerary.    

Zoola Fix is a new online platform that aims to streamline a night out in a new city. Covering New York, Hamburg and London with a desire to move further afield, Zoola Fix employs social butterflies with in-depth knowledge of the best nights out in their particular city.

When visiting the site, tourists enter the dates of their visit and what type of night they are hoping for. They will then be matched up to various Fixers whose profiles will tell them how much they charge and whether or not they suit their tastes. A discussion can then be had to decide how much or how little control to allow the fixer. The evening is then tailor made for you, making your night out in a new city as fun, easy and local as you want it to be.  

The brand hope to position themselves alongside Airbnb and Über as the third leg in a hassle free, peer curated city break tripod.