Join us for a look at how we're heading for a zero waste future
Today, the sad truth is most products go to landfill. Fast fashion dominates the high street and shops are filled with disposable goods. But, change is in the air.

Our recent Slow Survey showed 92% of people are concerned by the state of the environment – and there's growing demand for eco-friendly goods and services.

In collaboration with Matter, a new platform for material research, we've gathered an exciting group of upcoming designers, experimenting with innovate, sustainable production methods, to ask: What the role of the designer is today? Why a new generation is embracing Slow Design? What role a zero waste approach can play?

Marjan Van Aubel — is a designer of materials and objects whose practice spans the fields of science and chemistry. Her work has been nominated at the Design of the Year Awards twice and is featured in MoMA as well as the Vitra Design Museum.

Shamees Aden — is a London-born researcher and a multidisciplinary designer exploring the potential of how new scientific practices could impact future designs. She has worked with the likes of Alexander McQueen as well as the Nike Innovation Kitchen.

Silo — is zero waste restaurant in Brighton designed from back to front, with the bin always in mind. It's eliminated the production of waste by simply choosing to trade directly with farmers, using re-usable delivery vessels and choosing local ingredients that themselves generated no waste.

'Protein x Matter: Zero Waste Forum' at One Good Deed Today, London, E2 8AG, 22 September: 19:00 - 20:00