New startup Zady aims to inject serious social conscious into the world of luxury wearables
The winds of fast fashion are fast changing as we see signs that high street shoppers are once again prioritising quality over quantity. Successful sustainability corporate social responsibility initiatives like Uniqlo’s highly touted recycling programme have begun to have meaningful impact and have arguably begun to incentivise transparency. But the march towards a less destructive fashion system will get a serious leg up with Zady, a startup launching early next week that will aim to inject serious social consciousness into luxury wearables.

Each product the site sells will be vetted for sustainability and ethics across several metrics, to include craftsmanship, environmental consciousness, provenance, and quality all codified with a friendly badge system. Zady even has a nifty linkup with The Bootstrap Project, an initiative which unites indigenous makers from around the world with buyers to preserve artisanal skills.