the $150 tablet by fuseproject + one laptop per child (OLPC) from designboom on Vimeo.

As technology continues to become more complex, in some aspects it is becoming more accessible as well. Inspired by non-profit One Laptop Per Child LPC’s mission to grant children in developing countries access to technology, Yves Behar’s FuseProject collaborated with OLPC  to create XO Tablet, a low-cost tablet that will be the first OLPC device available to the public.

Semi-flexible and extremely durable with bright, simple, easy to use features, any child can easily pick up on the device. Furthermore, it is not based on traditional western organized, rather it is organized by topic such as “I want to be a...” making it as intuitive as it is engaging. XO Tablet also features dual cameras and comes preloaded with 100 apps, games, and books and will available to the public through US super chain Walmart in August. Going to show that great, well-designed technology doesn’t cost a great fortune.