Staff uniforms at Wyld nightclub will feature LED lights which pulsate in time to the music

British designer Claire Barrow has collaborated with smart clothing maker Glofaster on the new staff uniforms for the Wyld nightclub at W London. The hotel's general manager Coen Van Niersen says that the aim is "to offer music lovers a new and immersive way to enjoy the space."

The new uniforms incorporate Glofaster technology which makes a series of LED strips react to the music being played at the club. Barrow was inspired by the oversized disco ball which hangs from the ceiling of Wyld, as well as the neon lights that are part of the new interior design of the venue which is to be unveiled at its reopening on May 20.

Wearable technology continues to move into new areas of our lives, from fitness bands to more specific health trackers such as Olive. Combining fashion and technology is a growing trend, arguably spearheaded by the Apple Watch, and 2015 could be the year that we begin to see the full potential of the combination realised. At the same time, the hospitality sector is increasingly using technology to create a multi-sensory experience for customers. Events such as Create:Eat:Whisky demonstrate how technology is being used to immerse users in a space, a movement that Wyld has now joined thanks to its new uniforms.