Working on the same principle as 3D printing, Industrial design graduate, Andrey Grisko's furniture is the result of several overlapping layers. A mould serves as a base around which fibreglass thread – which is first passed through a pot of coloured resin – is pulled around by a computer-controlled arm. The resin-soaked furniture is then left to dry, cure and set, before the mould is removed and the final product is ready.

The Tel Aviv based designer came up with the concept while studying at Shenkar College of Engineering and Design. He then went on to found AndreyAndShay with his friend Shay Nifusi, and the pair are now producing furniture made to order.

If thread-based furniture seems familiar, you might recall our friends Not Tom's STRUNG stool that we recently featured. Innovative designs and techniques that take advantage of rapidly-advancing technology are allowing everybody the opportunity to own bespoke, unique pieces at affordable prices.