Nice 2 Hack You offers prizes for your online skeletons

Even the chastest maids have looked at something off kilter on the Internet. That’s not necessarily to say smut but perhaps things like medical conditions, careers websites, dating sites or even guilty pleasure songs - private things.

To promote their new album, Big Data (“a paranoid electronic music project from the Internet, formed out of general distrust for technology and The Cloud”) and long time collaborator Rajeev Basu of Wieden + Kennedy New York have launched a new app which hacks into your browser history to reveal anything unsavoury in exchange for rewards. Nice 2 Hack You uses a special algorithm to target and expose sites themed around subjects like porn, relationships, medical diagnosis before turning the results into an infographic. If you have something to hiding in your history, the algorithm will find it.

It’s then up to you whether you share your results. If you do you could win Big Data prizes, if you don’t, what have you got to hide?

The aim of the project isn't simply to name and shame, instead it deals with the band’s concerns over the misuse of people’s data and online privacy by illustrating just how open all our browsing history is anyway.

Growing concerns over Internet privacy have led to a number of designers visualising the problem. Datacafe let visitors exchange personal information for an actual cookie as a way of demonstrating how readily we give up our data.

Check out my shady past below...