Back in August we featured This Is Now, an online platform which collects a live selection of Instagram paps from around the world, presenting them in a constantly updating online stream. It was interesting, but just not that useful when looking for location-specific photos, of say, what was being served up at Hawksmoor.

Now, however, new site World Cam has launched, a platform which aims to provide just that. Created by creative collective Kinda Like a Big Deal, the website pulls in all Instagram photos and their recorded location, so that users can type in a specific place and see a stream of snaps taken right there. In their own words, 'its the best and easiest way of finding out what's happening right now, anywhere on the planet.'

It's an interesting project which allows you to remotely explore different places through the eyes (or cameras) of others. Incidentally, given the plethora of food photos on Instagram, it's a pretty good way of finding out whether you want to go somewhere for dinner. Check it out here for yourself.