Sixteen artists, writers and thinkers have come together to create sixteen personal maps, plotting experiences and memories, rather than waypoints or routes.

Created by Anna Gerber and Britt Iversen, co-founders of Visual Editions, the unconventional maps have been collated into a book called Where You Are. Their aim was to capture the trail of information each person leaves behind and weave it into a cohesive, topographical story. In place of pages and chapters, the book is filled with artwork and essays that tell the stories of the contributors, and push the boundaries of modern-day cartography.

Each contributor has clearly taken a different approach to the question: ‘What is your personal idea of a map?’, but the end product is a collection of stories, artwork and personal documentation of life events, designed to be spread on a table and delved into at your own pace.

Visual Editions aren’t the only ones personalising maps – KLM’s Must See Map which we looked at recently, allows friends to recommend destinations to you via social media, which can then be printed into a foldable hard copy for your upcoming adventure.