The EyeEm photography awards are taking place today
The world’s largest photography awards, this year drawing more than 15,000 entrants from across the world, are taking place today in Brooklyn, New York at the EyeEm festival. Unlike others, these awards are embracing the power of the smartphone to change the face of visual culture.

And EyeEm is a photo editing and sharing app used by more then 13 million people worldwide – which means that they’re at the forefront of what is happening in photography now.

The festival will feature speakers dwelling on what the future holds for the medium, including Christian Plagemann, one of the creators of Google Cardboard; editor of Vanity Fair Austin Merrill and NASA’s social media specialist Rebecca Roth. Watch out for the announcement of the winner at 10pm Eastern Time tonight – and enjoy some of the finalists' images in the meantime.