In a collaboration between Brooklyn-based Artist Wes Lang and OHWOW, Lang spend a month at notorious Hollywood hotel Chateau Marmont. As a visual documentation of his time spent in Room 34, he’s produced a series of drawings on the Chateau’s stationary. The series of intricate pencil drawings titled 'Sittin' on a Rainbow' is on display for one night only this week at the hotel itself. They are inspired by Americana and the history of the hotel’s scandalous clientele, illustrations range from Native American iconography to Frank Sinatra to buxom females, all with dripping with nostalgia. Lang's series reminds us of Martin Kippenberger, who was a huge source of inspiration for the project as he also used hotel stationary as a regular canvas for his artwork. We think Lang’s project is a great ode to Kippenberger and an interesting way to celebrate the history of one of Hollywood’s most iconic playgrounds. Like we saw last summer, the trend for Americana is back again. Check out Hypebeast's story on M+B and colette’s photography exhibition on Californian lifestyle here.