Google's ongoing experiments with their Chrome Browser are breaking new ground for the interactive web. Together with London Science Museum they've created a high tech, kinetic scultpure wonderland entitled Web Lab. And each of the five experimental pieces can be controlled by anyone with an internet connection (no app required!).

It's the latest from Google's Creative Labs, who seem hell bent on showing us all the amazing things that HTML5 can do. HTML5 is a significant upgrade to the native code that displays internet information in our browsers. We're sure you've seen some of the wonders worked by Aaron Koblin with HTML5 (if not check out his collaboration with Chris Milk for a unique music video experience Rome). A web-powered robotic orchestra, custom-built sketch robots that draw digital images in sand and an interactive map of the physical locations of the internets data all showcase the capabilities of the Chrome browser. There's even a set of web-enabled periscopes, connecting online viewers to an undersea Kelp forest in South Africa.

Now we know you may be thinking: Interactive art? Kinetic scultpures? Seen it all before? We don't doubt it, and we're sure Chrome Labs knows that too. But to be able to drive physical objects through the same code that presents web pages strikes us as really innovative. We all remember the chaos of Myspace and Geocities. There were plenty of eyesores, but noone could deny the wellspring of creativity that resulted from people tinkering with HTML. And we all pine a little bit for those days where web design was a little more haphazard (check out our Dial-Up Design briefing if you'd like to know more). But just imagine if Geocities could spill out onto your local street furniture? Inspiring an 'internet of things' appears to be Google's aim and they've done an enticing job of it.