Radical food design, escapist travel, indestructible smartphones and much more

We all enjoy a tasty bagel snack when hunger strikes, but as we all know food is far more than fuel for the body. This week eating designer Marije Vogelzang showed us how it can inspire creativity, cross cultural borders and challenge the way we think about the key social-political challenges facing our generation.

Elsewhere on the Feed, our futurist-in-residence Will Wiles questions the rise of emotionally driven artificial intelligence – a topic that's become particularly hot thanks to Google's terrifying deep dive experiments into machine intelligence, it's bot recently declared having children is immoral, as well as a shift towards emotionally driven data; take Tworlds an app that connects you to a stranger, somewhere round the world, who is doing or feeling the same as you at the very same moment.

We're also seeing a shift towards new, genre-defying travel experiences. This week we had not one but two stories on unique getaways for adventurous escapists. First up a new Peruvian hotel is encouraging visitors to the Sacred Valley to sleep in transparent capsules on a sheer rock face – get their via a 2,800m of zip wire – and then we saw the launch of the world's largest sauna in the Arctic Circle, a mindful retreat created as part of Salt art and music festival in Norway .  
Meanwhile, for those still stuck in London, the housing crisis debate goes on. In response RCA student Alice Theodorou has created a 10,000 year development strategy for the capital, which challenges mayor Boris Johnson to actually create some affordable housing, and think way past the next election debate. It's this long-term thinking that we've been seeing more and more of on the Feed. The best example of which is undoubtedly this lux indestructible smartphone from Turing Robotic Industries, say goodbye to cracked screens!    
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