Our recent Forum investigated the exciting changes currently taking place in the travel industry
In November, to coincide with the recent launch of our Journal containing our Travel Report, we held a Forum investigating the evolving state of the travel industry. We invited a range of speakers from a variety of sectors to present, discuss and give their thoughts on the matter.

Speaking this time we had Emma Benney, Marketing Director of Generator Hostels, the fastest growing hostel brand in Europe, Florian Sieprt, Founder Open Trips, a service for crowdsourced niche group tours and Alasdair Snow, Co-Found Triptease, a new travel search engine that collects and shares users' favourite places.

Watch their presentations above, as well as the introduction by Protein's Jamie McCracken.

Protein Forum - Wandering Tribes Jamie Intro from Protein® TV on Vimeo.

Protein Forum - Wandering Tribes Emma Benney from Protein® TV on Vimeo.

Protein Forum - Wandering Tribes - Alasdair Snow from Protein® TV on Vimeo.

Protein Forum - Wandering Tribes - Florian Sieprt from Protein® TV on Vimeo.