If you’re not much of a morning person, a uniquely musical take on the alarm clock might make getting out of bed that little bit easier.

Wake Up With The World, by digital artist and self-described 'internet architect' Eric Rieper, is an iOS app that uses your phone’s GPS coordinates to translate them into dulcet electronic tones. Combining your wake-up notes with those of every other person rising at the same time, the result is a collaborative musical composition every time you successfully get up in the morning.

Each person becomes a different instrument in the composition - lead, bass, chords or percussion. The more people who join in, the longer the piece, the faster the tempo and the longer the root note that the song is based on, connecting strangers around the world through a mixture of music, technology, and everyday routine.

There has been no shortage of alternative and intriguing alarm apps. For example, Shadow is designed to help you remember your dreams by slowly awakening the snoozing user, while Wake Up & Smell The Bacon rings in the morning with the aroma of the sizzling porky treat.