SensorWake is the world's first scent alarm clock

French engineering student, Guillaume Rolland, has developed the world’s first olfactory alarm clock that does away with aggravating beeps.  SensorWakegently wakes its users by gradually releasing a select fragrance until the sleeper wakes up. From the aroma of freshly brewed coffee, to the seaside and even dollar bills, consumers can choose their preferred scent by inserting a recyclable 60-use capsule.

The SensorWake team has been in collaboration with Swiss fragrance manufacturers Givaudan, to make the experience as authentic and individual as possible. Still in the final stages of development, this innovative gadget is the only start-up company Givaudan has agreed to work with. “Human beings were not meant to wake up to iPhone alarms,” says founder Rolland. “Our team is ready to change that. All we need is a little help from the community.”

For those who are sceptical of the effects of a scent-based alarm, 99% of test subject sleepers have woken up within two minutes. For the 1% without a heightened sense of smell, SensorWake has a backup sound alarm that can be programmed if users don’t wake up within three minutes.

Consumers are persistently looking for novel ways to discover their signature scent. Niche fragrance brand Commodity, known for their unorthodox approach to perfumery, brought their everyday inspired Try at Home Fitting Kit experience to the retail market earlier this year. With competition on the rise, brands are tackling new ways to awaken the senses.