W.E.T. is a multi-media exploration of the impact of climate change - a drastic but perhaps inevitable climate change where the whole world is completely flooded.
Margot Bowman - the brains behind many a creative endeavour including the online GIF gallery, 15 Folds, has collaborated with RIDOTTO, a new project space for multimedia art in the heart of Venice for a 2 phase project examining the subject.
The centre piece of phase 1 is an online questionnaire distributed through w-e-t.net asking participants to consider the social, emotional and political impacts of living in this post-apocalyptic landscape. An installation at The House of St. Barnabas last year, accompanied the launch of the questionnaire.
Both the installation and website aim to encourage participants to move away from exhausted stereotypical dis/utopian versions of the future whilst considering how our digital connections would manifest in this saturated eco-system.
Phase 2 will interpret the feedback from the questionnaire in the form of moving images and physical works at an exhibition at RIDOTTO. By exhibiting in Venice, W.E.T hopes to question the top-down decisions affecting structure and commerce in one of the world's most aquatic civilisations.
