Vimeo are taking matters into their own hands and launching the Share the Screen initiative which helps female filmmakers by funding their projects. The film industry is not exactly known for its equality, far from it. Countless actors have already called for a boycott of the Oscars following a lack of racial diversity in the nominations. This follows on from the, (already quite commonly known), news that female actors are underpaid in comparison to their male counterparts.

It's a problem that most people seem to have an interest in, yet nobody seems interested in actively fixing. The video platform Vimeo are trying to change that with the launch of their Share the Screen initiative. The initiative helps female filmmakers by funding their projects, teaching them the business and promoting their movies.  

"From its beginning, Vimeo has always stood for the democratisation of filmmaking, and of sharing videos, and of gaining access to audiences," Vimeo CEO Kerry Trainor shared. "When we see all of the information from the part couple of years about just how wide the gender equality gap is in the entertainment industry, lending out support identifying and celebrating female voices made all the sense in the world."

Announced today at the Sundance Film Festival, the initiative intends to break the vicious cycle of inequality in the industry by bankrolling at least five female-led film projects a year. Having paved the way for spotlighting independent films, it's fitting and honourable of Vimeo to help give a foothold to those who are struggling to make their voice heard in Hollywood.