It could be argued that in recent years Facebook has morphed from a useful, functioning social network to an impressively extensive collection of the most inane videos carefully curated by the more opinionated characters from your first year at university. However the only social media sin greater than constant links to the Lad Bible is the self-pitying cry for attention. Incessant public self-deprecation can become tiresome for everyone involved. While it’s understandable that people like to get things off their chests, there’s a time and place.

Vent is a new anonymous social network designed for people to connect, share and express some of the more frustrating aspects of life. The service provides a place for people to air their dirty laundry to a supportive community without the worry of being insulted, disrespected or upsetting people they know.

Not only does the app help to clean up our social media streams by offering a more appropriate outlet for negativity, it acts as a great example of how apps can cater to both sub cultures and even particular personality types.