Our friends at United Visual Artists have created a series of responsive installations for the opening of La Gaîté lyrique in Paris that’ll have you feeling real surprised by the all-seeing building. There’s a disembodied intelligence that turns from benign, nurturing and seductive to menacing or frightening at any time depending on how you react as a visitor. There’ll be some installations that focus on being playful and flattering, putting the visitor in the spotlight as if they were a celebrity, while some others will see you being scanned into a database, categorised and ultimately found to be insignificant.

As usual, UVA have upped the awesome while also presenting to us an interesting concept - an experience that simultaneously celebrates and critiques the brave new world of the Digital, the ideal that it’s moving us towards utopia. Inspirations for the installations include Jeremy Bentham’s ‘Panopticon’, very apt.

La Gaîté lyrique opens next month, check it out from 2nd to 6th March.