@Moremodelsofcolor is doing its part for inclusive casting via social media It’s well known that fashion has a problem with race. In its representation in the media, from models through to designers, ethnic diversity is rare, and treated more like novelty than norm. It’s a problem that – still – needs addressing, and Instagram account @moremodelsofcolor is looking to tackle under-representation by promoting the work of models of colour, beyond tokenism. We like to think things have progressed since the 60s, when a Richard Avedon Harper's Bazaar cover with a black model resulted in advertisers withdrawing their business and subscribers cancelling. But the truth is that these problems are pervasive: people still falsely claim that covers won’t sell without white models, and representation on the runway is sparse; makeup artists often lack the right products for darker skin tones, and models such as Nykhor Paul report having to provide their own. Attitudes are changing: ethnic minorities are no longer exclusively represented by negative stereotypes, and it's time for fashion to catch up. The public face of fashion needs greater diversity, and @moremodelsofcolor is showing that millennials are turning to social media and online platforms to add greater impact to their causes. Though by itself the project won’t be able to actively hire models into these positions, the publicity for these names – from Naomi Campbell through to fresh new faces – is what really counts towards getting rid of the idea that white should be treated as default. Our audience survey is showing that the current generation is more socially minded than ever before , and they're turning to the latest technologies to collaborate with others and get their message heard. Still hungry for more? Sign up for our weekly supplement featuring the latest news, profiles, features and innovation