Ever wondered what it's like to be an urban planner? A new online game called Urbanology lets people create their own urban policies within virtual cities. The game has been launched by the BMW Guggenheim lab, a series of open forums that bring together like-minded people to generate ideas for improving urban life. We recently featured this in our Feed section. In the interactive game, people win points when they correctly answer questions on topics such as sustainability, innovation, eco-friendliness and lifestyle. It aims to provoke thought and discussion about issues in city life such as education, housing, health care and infrastructure. The game launch is working alongside the series of free events and workshops happening at the BMW Guggenheim Lab installation in New York. The project taps into the growing trend of gamification that lets brands use gaming elements for real life applications. We recently saw this in the Facebook game by Marriott International that created an entertaining way for people to learn about recruitment opportunities at the hotel company.