Unnumbered Sparks
A pulsating textile sculpture invited Vancouver's citizens to draw colourful shapes in the sky

An enormous ethereal approximation of Google's Chrome browser looms eerily over Vancouver, flashing colourful lights at the city's inhabitants, commemorating TED's 30th annual conference.
Unnumbered Sparks was made in partnership between Google's Creative Director at Data Arts, Aaron Koblin, and Janet Echelman, the latter renowned for her exuberant, organically moving urban sculptures. The undulating mass of lightweight textiles measured in at 300 feet, and was suspended in the air, attached to a nearby skyscraper.
By using a mobile browser, passersby were able to draw a shape on their touch screen - which was then mirrored on the sculpture.
Canada is no stranger to transformed cityscapes: In The Air, Tonight saw a data visualisation bolted onto two buildings in Toronto, monitoring social network conversations and creating pulsing LED lights whenever a tweet about homelessness was detected.
