Of late, social media, particularly Facebook, has become more concerned with creating engagement and driving page views than building a community. Every corporate company out there has a social media strategy, but rather than foster friendships, it’s an audience they’re looking for.

Uncommon, a new social network, aims to bring community back to the fore. Designed to provide a minimal, unobtrusive user experience, profiles are sparse. Consisting mainly of your interests – things you want to connect and talk about – anyone can click on one of their interests and see a list of other people who also like it.

And, rather than being inundated with notifications to constantly respond to, Uncommon features Stacks. Essentially postcards with announcements, discussion prompts, contributions from other members and the like – it's designed to inspire meaningful interaction with your community. Finish your stack, and then move on to other important things in your life.

It’s a welcome take on social networks which have become increasingly fast-paced – one that puts an emphasis on slower, deeper connection.