The decade's most notable cosmetic advancement, or most elaborate batch of snake oil, has recently been introduced. Personal Cell Sciences' topical skincare creams are personal indeed. The product line, known as 'U Autologous', are created with your very own stem cells.

The first step in the process is to extract about 60 ml of body fat via liposuction. Your fat is then delivered to PCS's laboratory where stem cells are isolated and split into two batches. The first batch of stem cells is cultured in PCS's 'proprietary media', and four to five weeks later, voila, your personal fountain of youth is bottled. The second batch is stored as 'bio insurance', for later use. Ethically and contractually, we're wondering what PCS can and cannot do with with this second batch while it's on ice.

If this write up sounds a little cynical, it's because we're reminded of "Fight Club" lipo soap, or because the above promotional video feels like a Resident Evil trailer. With that said, there have been some exciting advancements in gene regulating moisturiser, so maybe there is something to slathering on the stem cells.