Ever wonder if someone, somewhere is doing or feeling the same as you are?
Tworlds is a new app that connects you to a stranger, somewhere round the world, who is doing or feeling the same as you at the very same moment.
With Tworlds (two worlds), users snap a photo and are instantaneously matched to someone in the world doing (more or less) the same thing.
Users simply log in with their location and chose one of the 26 themes, including #food, #selfie, #animal, #love, ##*@%+!, #work, #art, #architecture and #party.
The newly combined images can then be viewed, saved and shared via email and social media.
Tworlds can be used for different reasons; for some, Tworlds will be a social competition, whose party is more fun? Whose baby is cuter?
But Tworlds also offers help and understanding by finding the like-minded. Who in the world is also feeling sad or angry right now? Who can’t sleep?
When you’re feeling alone, Tworlds shows you’re not the only one. Through anonymity and comparison, Tworlds connects the world in a contradictory manner.
Like 20 Day Stranger, Tworlds hopes to contribute to an overall sense of community by growing a little more understanding and respect for the unknown and for each other.