Turing Robotic Industries present a lux smartphone designed to last forever

Good news for those who have to live with a cracked screen. Turing Robotic Industries has produced a phone that does something that no other smartphone has done before: last. It’s a 5.5 inch phone that runs Android 5.1, but unlike whatever you have in your hand, it’s also made form something called liquidmorphium – a liquid metal alloy stronger than both steel and aluminium.

With the creators’ priority being the security and privacy of the user they chose to incorporate end-to-end encryption to keep data safe from prying eyes, as well as a fingerprint detector and a cryptocurrency called the Turing Coin. As well as being completely unhackable, the phone is also completely waterproof due to the nano-coating on its internal parts. And these futuristic materials are paired with futuristic form – it was created by trained architect SYL Chao, who took cues from spaceship design in sci-fi films like Interstellar.    

It’s available for pre-order 31st July, and the price will start at $610 for a 16GB model. And Turing Robotic Industries isn’t stopping in the meantime: they’re continuing to work on battery technology and an artificial consciousness machine.  

In our upcoming issue we'll take a closer look at projects that embrace long-term thinking, like a 10,000 year development for London, Adidas' sustainable wavy kicks and Dave Hakkens' Phonebloks project.