LOST is a new magazine taking an intimate approach to travel

"I was motivated to start LOST because I had recently fallen in love with travel and I felt there wasn’t really a place for people to share their own personal travel stories, like how people used to do with physical photo albums," explains LOST's founder, and Wieden+Kennedy Shanghai art director, Nelson Ng. "In the printed world, I felt that most travel magazines were about introducing you cool places to go to, instead of going deeper to talk about what travel does for the human soul."

For the new magazine LOST, Travel is a state of mind. Rather than focusing on the glitz and glamour of trips aboard, the latest long form publication is taking a more intimate, intellectual and personal approach.  The periodical recounts the stories from 14 different trips, encompassing 320 pages, and ranging from a tour through Japan to 48 hours at sea. Each story is a unique snapshot of global travelling life and intended to immerse readers in something completely foreign.  

When it comes to travel, our demands are changing. As Ng says, "what else can travel provide if you’ve already seen what the Himalayas look like on Google?" A new set of travellers are now looking for unique experiences and authentic interactions when they go away, and whether it’s apps or publications, a new range of products are there to help them along the way.