McDonald's have debuted a mobile app in Australia that is turning heads for all the right reasons. Track My Macca's is (awful name aside) a slick app that uses augmented reality(AR) technology to seamlessly deliver information on the provenance of your McDonalds meal.

The app is a powerful combination of the two main methods of delivering anaugmented reality experience. GPS determines which McDonalds you're dining at.  Image recognition software can tell what food you've chosen once you point your lens at your meal. These data points are combined to determine which stockists provided the raw materials for your meal. Once the data is correlated a food provenance pageantry plays out on your smartphone screen. ( Jump to 0:49 in the video below to see what we mean!) McDonalds has also built in the personal stories of the food providers, capitalising on another facet of organic foods popularity.

Unexpected as it is we now have (or will have in the near future: the app is Australia only for now) a fully fledged app that brings transparency to corporate food chains. The app makes the data collation driving this feat look easy, but we've no doubt this took a concerted effort from McDonalds, and for that they should be applauded. We hope they set an example for all to follow. Furthermore they deserve plaudits for the presentation of the data: using AR in this way is a really engaging register of data visualisation, and we like to think we know a thing or two about nutrional data viz