How often have you shared something online without really thinking about it? Probably more times than you care to mention. Traces is a new app that’s aiming to tackle this mindless stream of content by making sharing more personalised, more meaningful and a lot more engaging.

Traces uses augmented reality to allow people to place content into real world locations, then attribute it to a specific person, as well as set the amount of time it will be available. This means that instead of being a passive recipient, users will be have to track down the GPS location to access the text, music, images, video or tickets via the app, contextualising the content that have been left for them.

The possibilities for this technology are very wide, with the potential of enriching tours of major museums, forming a platform for spreading the word about secret events or becoming the basis of immersive, urban scavenger hunts. Just like T(ether), Traces looks to make digital experiences a whole lot more visceral.