An inflatable naked man bulging against the walls of a gallery forms part of an exhibition by artist Jeremie Maret Too Fat To Fail at his Proposal gallery in Zurich.

The gallery space, which encourages visitors to stay the night in order to see the sculpture being inflated and deflated, also provides on-going sleepovers during any future exhibitions.

Visitors can chose to stay inside a heated Peugoet J7 bus outside the gallery and a double bedroom situated in a separate room inside. As if the sleepover experience wasn't enough to tempt you, visitors are then treated to a bagel breakfast, drinks and the use of gallery-owned bicycles.

Responsible for the accommodation is designer Christian Weber of Plasma Design. Recognised for challenging the conventional interpretations of beauty within his work, Weber refers to a basic and raw like interior accompanied with simple white bedding to create a minimal like setting.

It’s inspiring to see a concept that combines art and hospitality, and lets the guests be part of the gallery and art process.