Health conscious Apple users now have access to greater personal fitness analysis thanks to Tinké, an innovative monitoring gadget from Zensorium. Reflective of the Quantified Self movement that has produced inventions such as Lapka and Cube Sensors that we covered recently, Tinké allows users to easily test their personal fitness and wellbeing. Simply by pinching sensors on the device, users can view their respiratory rate, heart rate, blood oxygen level and heart rate variability.
The device provides two forms of health insight, the Vita scale, which tracks overall fitness, and the Zen Index, which measures stress levels. Tinké is compact and available in four different colours for the more discerning health fanatic, while the accompanying software also boasts a worldwide social platform to share results.
Compatible with a myriad of Apple portable devices, Tinké brings formerly difficult to quantify concepts such as fitness and health into the palm of your hand.