Computer scientists have built an algorithm that can tell you exactly how stylish you are

Researchers at the University of Toronto have developed an algorithm that can tell you exactly how fashionable your online presence is by analysing your photographs. Based on meta-data and information provided by facial recognition software Orbeus ReKognition, your photographs are given a 'fashionability' score, grading your outfit.

As if that wasn’t impressive enough the algorithm also understands that dressing well is dependent on context. A number of factors are considered alongside the clothes worn. “The garment itself being fashionable is also not a perfect indicator of someone’s fashionability as people typically also judge how well the garments align with somebody’s ‘look’, body characteristics or even personality,” say the researchers.

The algorithm was developed by mining data from fashion-based social media website, determining the most fashionable elements by a post’s popularity and the sentiment of the comments. This data is then used to analyse photographs, and then suggest to low scorers subtle improvements the user could make to improve her/his appeal – including new items of clothing or new scenery. So not only are the jobs of personal stylists everywhere under threat, but it seems that, sadly, all your favourite outfits may be down to something other than your excellent taste.

All clothes Howl by Maria Gluck
Photography by Christoph Neumann