Tribal DDB and Stinkdigital have collaborated with songwriter and producer Washed Out and art director Gustav Johannson to come up with a way of ‘celebrating the virtuosity of sound craft’ simultaneous to weaving a narrative around the acoustic design of the products in Philips’ audio range, Fidelio. And of course do a bit of a sales pitch to boot.

The result is an interactive website divided into 9 of the steps that supposedly went into creating these products: Inspiration, Idea, Improvise, Experiment, Improve, Test, Compete, Perfect and Share. Each chapter features an ethereal visual accompanied by bespoke audio. People are invited to play around with the sounds to make their own soundtrack as well as find out more about the range thanks to some very cute facts. And finally, it’s possible to purchase any of the respective gadgets there and then.

Beyond being an inventive way of showcasing products, The Sound Of Creation is a nice example of a brand using story-telling to quench the consumer’s increasing thirst for knowledge and the employment of such an emotive audiovisual narrative is powerful to say the least. What’s more the interactive nature of the project reminds us very much of Field . Try it out for yourself here.