It would seem a well-cooked meal made from artisan ingredients is no longer enough to sate the senses; only a week ago did we write about   Muru Pops Down and now another adventurous dining environment has piqued our interest.

Designer Joey Ho has taken inspiration from the wonky and discombobulating art of M.C. Escher to give a single-room restaurant in Hong Kong a more capacious feel. Using false windows and staircases, and mirrors the idea is to engage diners on an emotional level by invoking the concept of a room to help them feel more at home.

Yet it’s not only The Room's abstract aesthetic that’s to be applauded; this is a pertinent example of the ways restauranteurs and designers are going that bit further to provoke diners into considering the space they’re eating in as much as what’s on their plate, and in turn generate a novel and memorable experience. Furthermore, it challenges the conventional use of space.