We've asked our audience what they think, now it's time to share our findings with you

The fifth annual Protein Audience Survey is finally here. Helping you get to grips with how a global community of early adopters thinks and acts this year the report is split into three sections – Refocus, Re-balance, Responsive.

Refocus: How our audience is rethinking what is really important and how this is affecting how they spend their time, money and energy on the pastimes, products and people that align with their emerging values and beliefs.

Responsive: How this group of early adopters' behaviour has been transformed by the ubiquity of convenience focused digital tools and platforms. We will analyse what the rise of seamless, on-demand and personalised services mean to their day-to-day lives, and how they’re changing consumer expectations.

Rebalance: How our audience are increasingly living in temporary extremes, abstaining one minute and then indulging the next. We will explore the increasing compartmentalisation of their lives and what this means for work, play and their interaction with brands.

As always we found our audience’s lives, motivations, and attitudes to be constantly changing and evolving.

For example, now travel is about more than relaxing by the beach — 81% of respondents view travel as an opportunity to experience new cultures.

Our audience  constantly on the go and this can take its tole on their mental wellbeing — 75% find working long hours and a hectic pace of life stressful.

And they’re open to brands engaging with them in new ways  — 79% are interested in sharing ideas to help brands improve their products and services

Get your copy of the Protein Audience Survey 2015 from our store or to check out where else we'll be hosting other Protein Audience Briefings here.