Awair is the new device that ensures you stay in control of your home's air quality

Awair is a new tech device that’s lets wellness savvy users regulate the air quality in their home. In collaboration with Bitfinder, co-founders Ronald Ro and Kevin Cho created the Awair monitor after discovering that 90% of the time pollutant levels can be up to ten times higher inside our homes than outside.

Preventing a direct impact on our health and productivity, Awair uses sensors to detect temperature, humidity, CO2 and fine dust particles before sending all the vital information to an app that provides condensed statistics. Awair then prompts its users to activate certain appliances that will improve room conditions. Consumers can pick up a device for $149 after official release later this year.

Going beyond tracking the environment, Awair uses technology as a means to cater for the health conscious market. As we reviewed in our Health Report, technologists and innovators are looking at forward-thinking ways to help spread awareness and improve quality of life.