The Offline Glass from Mauricio Perussi on Vimeo.

It’s an all too familiar site. A group of friends are sitting down at a table and instead of engaging in a lively conversation, everyone has their heads down staring at a mobile device. Frustrated with this mobile addiction, we’ve seen products like Blokket help people disconnect while in the presence of company.

The first glass of its nature, The Offline Glass, aims for a lo-fi approach to change all that. Designed by Mauricio Perussi, Melissa Pottker and Fischer&Friends, The Offline Glass is missing half a bottom. In order for glass to balance on table and stand up straight, patrons must wedge their iPhones in the gap to form a complete bottom. One text or glance at Instagram could prove to be a fatal party foul, spilling the contents of the drink across the table.

According to art director, Mauricio Perussi, The Offline Glass is not meant to actually solve the problem of our tech obsessed society, but rather to make light of that friend who only seems to have eyes for his or her cell phone. The glasses have been introduced at Salve Jorge Bar in Sao Paolo, Brazil to great success, so perhaps people are more eager to interact with their friends rather than their interfaces than previously thought. Whether or not The Offline Glass catches on, it certainly draws attention to in the manner in which technology dominates society.