When people look back on the ghosts of internet past, there are a few names that crop up more than others. Napster, LiveJournal, Photobucket, to name just a few of our long lost web forefathers. All arguably vital in making the internet what it is today, but sadly it seems, were not meant to last. Perhaps the most famous casualty was Myspace, largely responsible for bringing social networking into the mainstream, it fell behind due to it's inability to keep up with Zuckerberg's sleeker, more ambitious machine.

However it seems the race isn't over just yet. Returning with something far more substantial than a few new features and an updated design, Myspace has undergone an extensive re-imagining. Focussing on the one thing it always did better than Facebook, the new Myspace is putting music and creativity firmly in its sights and now offers users a way of connecting with their favourite artists unlike anything else on the internet. With a totally new interface that feels both intuitive and fresh, the new Myspace is looking to launch early next year. Don't worry though, Top 8's are still in.

Protein and our readers have been offered exclusive access to sign up for the site. If you want to be one of the first to take the new site for a spin e-mail  for an invite.