As part of A Room for London, every month a different artist has access to the space for Sounds from a Room, live streams from above the river. This month it is the turn of award-winning singer songwriter Imogen Heap who will perform there on the 22nd June and use the room to compose a new song, You Know where to Find Me.

The song will be composed in the Room from crowd sourced tales of the Thames collected via her Listening Chair, situated at Southbank Centre's Royal Festival Hall on the 16th - 17th June. The chair is a travelling project which has toured the world asking people the question, ' What is the song that still needs to be written?'. Speakers on either side of the chair guide the user through the experience, with an integrated camera, microphone and LED strips that are activated when the user records their contribution. These video contributions can either be private, or added to a 'video wall' for others to see. This crowdsourced material will then be used by Heap during her time in A Room for London  to inspire her new song.

Heap's time in A Room for London can be viewed live here, or watched via a screen at the Southbank Centre's Clore Ballroom.