How will the internet change the way we think about death? Corina Tan, a graduate of the NUS Department of Industrial Design, has designed an iPad app to help people prepare for the inevitable and assist the grieving process of their loved ones. The Last Of Me allows the user to prepare their final words, along with an image that is sent to family and friends as a print at a designated time after the person has passed.

The project was part of Tan's thesis and was designed to confront the ways in which we think about death, not only from the perspective of our own passing, but of the loved ones we leave behind. What's interesting is that the project is targeted at the young and healthy, and introduces the subject of mortality in a sensitive way. The users final personalised message can be designed into an art print, with the users information stored on a database. There is not an easy way to plan such things without becoming somewhat clinical, but Last Of Me uses modern developments to help make death slightly easier.