For that frustrating moment when there isn’t a suitable app at hand, there's now a place to creatively vent your frustrations. The Internet Wishlist is an app/website suggestion box, bringing together the greatest minds of the Twitterverse. It is a crowd-sourced repository of ideas, designed by Amrit Richmond, a community developer and creative strategist, who pulls together the most forward-thinking suggestions.

To contribute, all you have to do is use the hashtag #theiwl alongside the app/website that you have been wishing for. Inventors and developers take note, if you’re stuck and grasping for an idea, this is a goldmine. A few ideas currently circling The Internet Wishlist are; “I wish all major metropolitan cities were required to release comprehensive and up-to-date apps for their public transit services.” and "I wish someone would use the foursquare API to build a cab-sharing app to help you split a ride home at the end of the night." We want those too.