If, like us, you’ve been lusting after the mouth-watering imagery from our current favourite food porn publication, The Gourmand, you’re going to want to keep the end of this month free for two reasons:

1. To celebrate the new-ish Issue 01, and all their incredible work so far, from Feb 22nd till March 3rd Protein’s 18 Hewett Street gallery are hosting an exclusive exhibition of some of the finest commissioned images from the magazine to date. Expect gastro-visceral awesomeness – and come prepared.

2. During the second week of the show, The Gourmand will also be throwing a series of intimate supper clubs in our gallery. Bespoke menus for the nights are being prepared by the likes of the Rita’s Bar and Dining family and Corner Room’s Nuno Mendes, with guests dining from a giant ‘Table Man’ named Le Gourmand – “a hand painted anthropomorphic dining table” commissioned by the artist Jean Julien.

Tickets for the supper club series will be made available shortly. For more details about the events and information about ticket release, email.