As a generation, we are engaging with music in a notably different way than our predecessors. With the rise of digital downloading almost two-thirds of our Protein audience believe that music has become more disposable. The majority prefer to download and stream tracks rather than own anything physically, and some argue that music is listened to more as background noise than through active appreciation.

On Tuesday we hosted a forum to explore The Future of Listening, examining how musicians, labels and innovators are evolving the listening experience to increase engagement with users. Over 80 people turned up to enjoy a beer and gain some inspiration from our 4 expert speakers and excellent host, William Skeaping.

First up on the panel was Alex Robinson, European Label Manager of Stones Throw and founder of his own label, One Handed Music. He explored the diversification of listening experiences, the importance of limited editions and special packaging, the creation of unique experiences and the impact of YouTube.

Next up was Gwilym Gold and Lexxx, creators of new listening experience Bronze Format. Bronze is a new way for music to exist, in which the recorded material is transfigured, generating a unique version on each listening. They explained their inspiration behind the project and how it works.

Last on the panel was James Thirkettle, a documentary film maker making a short on, 'How do we Listen to Music?'. James played some short clips from the documentary, and discussed some of his research around how the digital revolution has changed our listening habits.

The forum hosted a great discussion, with stimulating questions form the audience exploring issues around the disposability of music, the impact of streaming, and how artists can stand our from the crowd. All in all it was great success - thanks to everyone that came down, our excellent panellists and host.