Belgium collective Indianen have created an innovative and striking way to experience music with their project The Evil Eye. Conceived as part of their residency at the centre for printmaking in Kasterlee, the project was developed to investigate, 'how printmaking could produce another kind of information, transforming material into an object with a new meaning.'

The team developed a type of vinyl record, but instead of cutting grooves into the surface, the production involves printing black and white waveforms patterns onto the discs which can be 'played back' using specialised light-sensing hardware (or the 'eye').

Each waveform can be generated by an app which creates modifiable waves superimposed onto one another, which can then be exported and printed onto the record. Once on the record player, the rotating pattern creates modulating light which is translated into electric signals by the 'eye' and is then played out at the exact sound embedded in the print.

It's an interesting concept which explores how printmaking can communicate different types of media. Check it out here.