For the lead up to Futurefest in September, innovation fund Nesta has released an interactive game site, The Daily Future. One part Klout and one part Stratego, the game publishes a divisive “hot topic from the future” each week and puts it up to a yes/no vote. After voting, users are then invited to solve an increasingly difficult logic puzzle, which must be won in order to become more influential in the neighbourhood where he or she is located. The game is a nice interactive, social twist on the provocative pro/con ads The Economist has put up around the London Underground in recent months and is a fun way to draw some attention to debates over some heady topics that will certainly impact our futures.
With an exploding number of social engagement platforms, from the well-established Good.is and Change.org to the crop of new ones constantly emerging, the future of social engagement looks bright, gamified and interactive. We’re always happy when well-designed platforms encourage users to take a stand.
