Inspired by the age old idiom, “don't judge a book by it’s cover,” Amsterdam creative studio, Moore, has designed a new book sleeve, The Cover That Judges You, with a built-in camera that scans your face with facial recognition technology. Should your expression be over-excited or underwhelmed access to the book is denied. For the cover’s creator, Thijs Biersteker, it’s all about approaching art without prejudice.
“I often worry about my scepticism and judgment getting in my way of amazement,” explains Biersteker. “Judgement should never hinder relentless enthusiasm of seeing things for the first time.”
The cover is a prototype for the Art Directors Club Netherlands' 2015 annual, which is filled with an edited selection of creative work. The whole project is serving as an example of how technology is working with even the most traditional art forms.
Using facial technology to engage users is nothing new, however. Late last year, Barcelona comedy club Teatreneulaunched a project that monitored the number of times people laughed at a show, charging them €0.30 for each laugh.
