The perhaps unhealthy and definitely antisocial attachment we have to our mobile phones is a symptom of modern times. While for some, multitasking during conversation is not a contentious issue, for others it is an unwelcome interference.

Brazilian beer makers, Polar, have attempted to rectify this social disengagement by producing a signal blocking beer holder, designed to discourage drinkers from checking their devices when in the company of friends.  Offered to drinkers when they purchase a beer, the Anulador Celular (or 'Cell Phone Nullifier') promises to cut cell, 3G and 4G connection within a 1.5m radius.

The Cell Phone Nullifier was created by Polar in collaboration with communications agency Paim, and is not the first product we’ve seen that strives to refocus an individual’s attention towards real life interactions. Think back to the Offline Glass or Blokket, which both attempt to promote IRL social engagement and dialogue between peers. While the the root cause of this issue may simply be bad manners, or, more forgivably, a reduced concentration span, it is interesting to see what solutions are being offered to replenish the dwindling pool of real world interactions.