Come across a tune you love but can't afford the vinyl? Purchased a track that you're desperate for your friends to hear? Then no doubt you've resorted to some form of illegal ripping, downloading or sharing without giving it a second thought. Digital piracy is a ubiquitous problem to which most of us are oblivious or not particularly sensitive to, so the people behind the Singapore-based Tell My Friends have conjured up a system encourages the responsible sharing of music.

Users visit the Tell My Friends facebook page, sign up to the service, choose which commission scheme they'd prefer and buy a track. They then have a licensed link to the content and each time someone buys the link from them, they're paid a small amount of money which in turn guarantees the artist is paid their dues, too.

Attempting to deter piracy by involving consumers in a system that’s rewarding not punitive is an idea we really like. And what’s more, it's an interesting way for a brand to capitalise on the power of peer-to-peer recommendation.